Placement in Italy


29/03/09 - 31/03/09, Savona: Guided tour by “Paolo Boselli” teachers in pottery laboratories in Albissole Marina. Visit to the host partner’s school, state Institute «Paolo Boselli», acquaintance with the Director and the professors’ association. Briefing, information gathering, presentation of teaching methods of professional software. Meeting with the Vice-Mayor of Savona, as well as with representatives of Commercial Chambers and the Union of Industries. Meetings at school for analysing the elements that determine the "criteria"; comparison of certification systems of professional software and comparison of certification systems.  Visit at the state Institute «Augusto Migliorini» in Finale.

 Municipality of Savona  Greek teachers and Mr. Giacomo Rambaldi - Principal of
Municipality of Savona Greek teachers and Mr. Giacomo Rambaldi - Principal of "Paolo Boselli"

01/04/09 - 04/04/09, Genoa: Visit the training centre, state Institute "Einaudi Casaregis Galilei".  Collection and production of material useful in order for the participants to comprehend the evaluation and the certification system, concerning the necessity of one harmonised European System.

 Istituto Tecnico
Istituto Tecnico "Paolo Boselli" Savona Greek teachers and Mrs. Paola Garibbo - Vice Principal

Meeting with the Director and professors of the state institute "Einaudi Casaregis Galilei ". Mixed work teams and diffusion forum for conclusions at the end of the process. The Aim of deliberation will be the determination of system evaluation for collaboration between schools and enterprises in the field of Professional Software.